bond family

Friday, January 26, 2007

Faces of Ben

Re-enter the dragon?
Is this Bruce Lee's younger brother, Sil?
Unfortunately Ben seems to have retired from his Tae
Kwando club, but he's still interested in martial arts.

Yes, he's got some good muscles, but he's still not very
sure on his feet sometimes; especially going downhill!

And he's pretty heavy these days: 85 kilograms at the last count!
Mary-Jane can testify to the fact that he seems even heavier.

However, he can be very nice and gentle with everyone, and especially with his little nephew, Romeo.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Happy 007 from Bonds!

As Mary-Jane pointed out 2-007 should be a good year for anyone with the name Bond. After a fairly quiet New Year's Eve eating Japanese buckwheat noodles (そば) and watching fireworks from our window in Evesham , we went to Batsford Arboretum (about 20 minutes drive away) to see the Buddha statue they have there, and offer up our thanks for 2006 and prayers for a happy, prosperous and peaceful 2007; this was our version of a very important Japanese custom known as 初詣で - pronounced hatsu mow de.
After that we went home and, in very English style, had fish and chips for lunch followed by a Spanish-style siesta! Nice start to the year.