bond family

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Romeo approaches 2 months

Mary-Jane with Romeo as he approaches the end of his second month in this world.
Parents, grandparents and baby are well and happy. Many thanks to all their well-wishers.

Waltham St Lawrence

We spent a very enjoyable 12 days in the village of Waltham St Lawrence thanks to the amazing generosity of Simon Curtis and Ruth Talbot.
Here are some scenes from around the house, taken with various guests etc.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Romeo at 7 weeks

The little fellow celebrated reaching this little milestone by doing what he does so well - sleeping, crying, ingesting, digesting and filling his nappies; sometimes all at the same time, according to his mum!

Four 'sons'

The visit of Patrick Jackson and family from Japan made possible this rare photo of all Chris's 'sons'.
Real son Ben, godson Kai, grandson Romeo, and de facto son-in-law Rishi.
Patrick (and sword) stood in for 'Dad' who was stuck in traffic at the time.