ベン君21歳の誕生日と転校 Ben to change college on 21st birthday
Ben は10月14日に21歳になります。今のカレッジ(Coleg Elidyr)で、Benは2年間で大きく成長しましたが賞学金に問題があった為に新しいカレッジに移ることになりました。新しいカレッジはStoke(ストーク)という町にあります。大人になったBen君はまだまだ頑張っています。
Ben has made great progress since he entered Coleg Elidyr in August 2007 particularly in terms of independent living and communication skills. His parents and everyone else who has visited the college have been impressed by the relaxed and friendly atmosphere and the beautiful natural surroundings. Everyone was looking forward to Ben's third year at the college, and hoping that he might be able to stay on until he was 25.
However, during the summer holidays we learnt that the Learning and Skills Council had decided to withdraw funding for students at Coleg Elidyr. http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2009/aug/25/learning-disabilities-college-lsc
Although several parents have opted to stay and fight against what seems a callous and ill-thought decision by a body which is shortly to be disbanded. However, with Dad still in Japan, Ben's parents decided that the best course of action would be to look for another college.
After several visits, interviews and assessments, Ben has been offered a place at Strathmore College in Stoke on Trent. http://www.craegmoor.co.uk/units/243.aspx Despite, its rather modest website, all reports suggest that it is an excellent college. It concentrates very strongly on trying to help students to function on their own in the community by teaching them practical skills such as how to plan activities which interest them (e.g. going to a leisure centre or an art exhibition) and then how to use public transport to get there etc. The college also has a couple of shops and cafes which are run by the students, and links with local firms where students can experience real working environments.
Fortunately Ben, unlike many of the other students at Coleg Elidyr, usually welcomes change. He is looking forward to going to his new college and meeting new friends. His parents are also looking at this as an opportunity for Ben to build on the excellent progress he has made over the last two years.
And these changes will more or less coincide with Ben's 21st birthday on October 14th. Thanks to everyone (even the LSC?) Ben is growing in independence. Many thanks for your continuing interest and support.
At 8:05 pm,
kirsty jones said…
hey ben
just wanted to wish you all the very best at your new college. I didnt get a chance to say goodbye so thought i would contact you. It was fantastic working with you I really enjoyed your brill sense of humour. All the best I bet you love it. Big hug from Kirsty Jones garden tutor at coleg elidyrxxx
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