bond family

Monday, March 16, 2009





Drastic times call for drastic measures. Having lost his job on the newspapers at the end of November, Chris has decided to go back to his old job in Japan. Leaving Mayumi and the rest of the family in the UK will not be easy, but it should bring in some much needed income, especially if the yen remains strong and the pound weak. Chris leaves for Japan on March 17th.
He's been saying goodbye to various people over the last few weeks, but he won't be gone for too long. He'll be back in July to spend the summer holidays with Ben. And before that, Ben and Mayumi may go out to see him for a few days at Easter.
At least Mayumi will have Romeo to keep her company during the week. She's looking after her grandson while Mary-Jane is at work in London.

Check out Ben's amazing recorder playing (Ben Bond on recorder) on youtube!


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